

BuildDriftKnowledge(results_directory, ...)

Description :

class skika.hyper_parameter_tuning.drift_detectors.build_pareto_knowledge_drifts.BuildDriftKnowledge(results_directory, names_detectors, names_streams, output, verbose=False)#
Description :

Class to build the pareto knowledge from hyper-parameters configurations evaluated on differents datasets for the drift detector tuning. The knowledge consists in the best configuration of hyper-parameters for each dataset.

The datasets are characterised by meta-features and a knowledge base can be then be built to link these features to the best configurations.

Parameters :
results_directory: str

Path to the directory containing the knowledge files (results of the evaluation of the configurations on example streams)

names_detectors: list of str

List of the names of the detectors

names_streams: list of str

list of the names of the streams

n_meta_features: int, default = 15 ((severity, magnitude, interval) * (med, kurto, skew, per10, per90))

Number of meta-features extracted from the stream NOT USED FOR THE MOMENT as we use theoritical meta-features and not measured ones

knowledge_type: str

String indicating what knowledge is being calculated (for arf tree tuning or drift detectors) NOT USED FOR THE MOMENT, need further implementing to bring the two applications together

output: str

Directory path where to save output file

verbose: bool, default = False

Print pareto figures if True


Csv file containing the configurations selected for each example stream (each row = 1 stream)


>>> names_stm = ['BernouW1ME0010','BernouW1ME005095','BernouW1ME00509','BernouW1ME0109','BernouW1ME0108','BernouW1ME0208','BernouW1ME0207','BernouW1ME0307','BernouW1ME0306','BernouW1ME0406','BernouW1ME0506','BernouW1ME05506',
>>>             'BernouW100ME0010','BernouW100ME005095','BernouW100ME00509','BernouW100ME0109','BernouW100ME0108','BernouW100ME0208','BernouW100ME0207','BernouW100ME0307','BernouW100ME0306','BernouW100ME0406','BernouW100ME0506','BernouW100ME05506',
>>>             'BernouW500ME0010','BernouW500ME005095','BernouW500ME00509','BernouW500ME0109','BernouW500ME0108','BernouW500ME0208','BernouW500ME0207','BernouW500ME0307','BernouW500ME0306','BernouW500ME0406','BernouW500ME0506','BernouW500ME05506']
>>> names_detect = [['PH1','PH2','PH3','PH4','PH5','PH6','PH7','PH8','PH9','PH10','PH11','PH12','PH13','PH14','PH15','PH16'],
>>>                   ['ADWIN1','ADWIN2','ADWIN3','ADWIN4','ADWIN5','ADWIN6','ADWIN7','ADWIN8','ADWIN9'],
>>>                   ['DDM1','DDM2','DDM3','DDM4','DDM5','DDM6','DDM7','DDM8','DDM9','DDM10'],
>>>                   ['SeqDrift21','SeqDrift22','SeqDrift23','SeqDrift24','SeqDrift25','SeqDrift26','SeqDrift27','SeqDrift28','SeqDrift29','SeqDrift210',
>>>                    'SeqDrift211','SeqDrift212','SeqDrift213','SeqDrift214','SeqDrift215','SeqDrift216','SeqDrift217','SeqDrift218']]
>>> output_dir = os.getcwd()
>>> directory_path_files = 'examples/pareto_knowledge/ExampleDriftKnowledge' # Available in hyper-param-tuning-examples repository
>>> pareto_build = BuildDriftKnowledge(results_directory=directory_path_files, names_detectors=names_detect, names_streams=names_stm, output=output_dir, verbose=True)
>>> pareto_build.load_drift_data()
>>> pareto_build.calculate_pareto()
>>> pareto_build.best_config
property best_config#

Retrieve the length of the stream. :returns: The length of the stream. :rtype: int


From Crowding is based on a vector for each individual All dimension is normalised between low and high. For any one dimension, all solutions are sorted in order low to high. Crowding for chromsome x for that score is the difference between the next highest and next lowest score. Total crowding value sums all crowding for all scores


Function to calculate the Pareto front and detect the knee point




Function to load the performance data from the csv files

reduce_by_crowding(scores, number_to_select)#

From This function selects a number of solutions based on tournament of crowding distances. Two members of the population are picked at random. The one with the higher croding dostance is always picked